Monday, April 9, 2007

April 9, Monday Morning Day 43 headed for the shed!

Jerry Says he gained 3 pounds. Shirleen has not said anything.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

April 8, Sunday Day 42 staying in Waukesha – Radisson free night

Happy Easter!!!

We went to church at St. Dominick’s in Brookfield. This is a beautiful church and an inspiring priest for the service. Shirleen and I have found our Wisconsin home church. The mosaic of Christ behind the alter is in the gold through lite pink colors, with intervening browns. The rest of the church has limestone rock, much like the Mankato stuff. They had an interesting part of the Easter service that had the congregation come forward and dip some water from a big tank and bless themselves with it. This is a big church, must have 3,000 parishioners and as we walked out I asked the old man behind us how old the church was, he said 50 years and he was one of the proud origin families, he was Ed Schmitz.

We went to Michelle’s and had a nice brunch with omelets with mushrooms and mine had his homemade salsa in it, Michelle made from scratch hash browns accompanied with center cut bacon. We sat around and viewed many of the trip photos. Then time for Easter ham, mash potatoes, sweet sour gravy, carrots with basil and sweetener, and corn. We had the nice Riesling Spatlatze.

Head for the shed tomorrow morning. - jerr